2 Things Every Business Owner Should Ask Their Cardboard Box Manufacturer

Posted on: 28 August 2015

When you own a business, you might be more concerned about profit margins and customer counts than you are about the quality of your shipping containers. However, if you care about improving customer service and limiting waste, you should sit down with your cardboard box manufacturer to have a good talk. Here are two things every business owner should ask their cardboard box manufacturer and why: 1: "Will those boxes be able to endure the rigors of transport?
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What Makes A Label Successful?

Posted on: 24 June 2015

So you've started a business. Maybe you've created an amazing microbrew, or maybe you're selling homemade salsa at the farmer's market. Whatever you've got going on, chances are good that you'll find your sales go up with a well designed label. What does that look like? That's what you'll learn here, so read on! Good Branding is Consistent A good label communicates something to your customers. It tells them who you are, and it gives them a touch point, a brand name they can trust.
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3 Tips For Making Your Medical Answering Service Work For You

Posted on: 8 May 2015

When you first started out in private medical practice, all you really needed was one secretary to answer the phone. But as you gain patients and expand your practice, you'll quickly find out that's not quite enough. Your patients will need to reach you – sometimes after hours or when you're otherwise engaged – and you'll eventually find that you need more help to keep up with the call volume. That's where an answering service can really come in handy.
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5 Ways New Parents Can Get Good Use Out Of A Storage Unit

Posted on: 7 April 2015

Preparing for a new baby comes with a lot of adjustments and life changes. Making room for the new body in the home is harder than you think. Even though there is a little body, there are a lot of items that come along with it. To help ease the transition, you can get a lot of use out of a self storage unit. Self storage units provide plenty of space to temporarily relocate items until they are ready to move back into the home.
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